180 x 120 cm

I know that it may sound unreal to some, but being an artist also has its own difficulties in terms of processing thoughts and shaping them into recognizable forms. In fact, we get lost in our own thoughts more often than it seems. Those who know me, know what I’m taking about. You get discouraged cause your ideas seem unrecognized and misunderstood. Everyone comes up with the typical question of what art is, but we forget that an idea, the result of a process of thinking is what empowers creation to reveal itself onto the surface in the first place. Intention is yet another story, but I would need a book for that to be explained. So , if you ask me , artistic creation is the most delightful act for me to become capable of transforming thoughts into images, which speak with no need for words to be involved. It speaks to those who listen to the silence of knowledge. Knowledge that is found in between the line that divides the physical representation of our world and the immaterial aspect of it, which speaks to the soul. So, what ends up as a final result of a whole process of thinking transcends into the beginning of a new idea.The process is endless as long as the idea triggers someone’s reality. I think that’s art but why the question ?